Monday, April 30, 2007

E-mail from Rep. Domino

I thought I would pass along an e-mail I got from Rep. Carl Dominos campaign. They have been pushing for SOH protability for some time. I think it's a mistake as it will only further the problems for those who aren't protected.



While no one can ever know for sure what is going to happen, things are moving
quickly on the Save Our Home Portability front.

The Governor has now publicly joined us in calling for both full SOH Portability
and a Special General Election to implement it as soon as possible.

The Florida Association of Realtors (FAR) have released a major call to action
asking for, among other things, allowing for the portability of SOH savings, with
retro-active portability. Remember until early 2006, portability was opposed by FAR.

I have personally spoken with leadership on both sides of the aisle in the House
and with one possible exception, they are very very supportive.

I remain optimistic that we will obtain necessary votes to get property tax relief
for our citizens without a Special Session. I think portability is an important
element in allowing people to live in the home of their dreams and vital in
helping to invigorate the real estate market.

Your legislative contacts have been most helpful in getting us this far and we need
to keep up the effort to get this matter on the ballot.

Already we have started discussions to get supporters in the Special General Election,
so that we can obtain 60% of the votes necessary to get portability passed. As part
of this effort we need to increase our e-mail data base. Please send us any e-mail lists
you have, which we can add to our updates data bank and advocacy messages.

Rep. Carl J. Domino
District 83

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